In the Islamic religion is the prophet friend once who was instrumental in the Islamic religion, they are the successors to continue the prophet muhammad prophet muhammad legal law because the prophet Mohammed have said "come sunnahku and Sunnah khulafaurosyidin" therefore let us follow what is taught by our prophet muhammad is the prophet who will help us when we ask for help. and then between friends is a very important role is as follows:
1. Ali ibn Abi Tholib
2. Abu Bakr As Syiddiq
3. Umar ibn Khottob
4. Uthman ibn Affan
among them all is very helpful tenam prophet muhammad to uphold the Islamic religion in the world, therefore let us all to obey the prophet muhammad and his companions in order to uphold Islamic religion to survive in the world and the Hereafter. for god lawsuits have been explained if we are obedient to Allah SWT with obedience to the prophet muhammad as well as for her, therefore let us much closer to Allah and the sunnah prophet muhammad run properly and correctly so we will be people who in view of taqwa allah swt. with what we submit this is not another religious knowledge I gained through Islamic religious instruction in Indonesia. and this is the result of my religious study Islam well and istoqomah. hopefully its many benefits both for me and its general blogger for my loyal readers. thanks.
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