Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Bersyukurlah Oleh Karunia Allah

Sesungguhnya Allah telah memuliakan manusia dari makhluk lainnya, serta memberikan banyak kenikmatan dan kemudahan dalam mengarungi dan menjalani kehidupan. Mereka dapat memenuhi segala kebutuhannya dengan memanfaatkan karunia yang ada di bumi ataupun di laut. Tidak lain agar manusia selalu bersyukur dan menaati apa yang telah diperintahkan Allah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya. Dengan demikian, mereka akan termasuk golongan orang-orang yang bertakwa.
Tak merupakan puncak kemuliaan manusia. Hendaknya semua orang berlomba untuk berada di bawah bendera takwa dalam naungan Allah. Bendera takwa inilah yang diangkat dan dikibarkan oleh Islam untuk menyelamatkan manusia dan fanatisme terhadap jenis kelamin, bangsa, kabilah, atau suku, dan keluarga serta keturunan.
Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata : “Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wa Salam, pernah ditanya, ‘Siapa manusia yang paling mulia? Beliau menjawab, “Manusia yang paling mulia atau terbaik disis Allah adalah yang paling bertakwa di antara mereka’. Mereka berkagta, “Kami tidak bertanya tentang itu’. Beliau bersabda, “Manusia yang paling mulia adalah Yusuf, karena ia Nabiyullah (nabi Allah), anak dan Khalilullah (kekasih Allah, ylaitu Nabi Ibrahim)’. Mereka berkata, ‘Bukan ini kami tanyakan’. Lalu, beliau balik bertanya, “Apa kalian bertanya kepadaku tentang barang tambang orang-orang Arab? Mereka menjawab,”Ya”. Nabi Sallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, bersabda, “Yang terbaik daintara kalian pada masa jahiliyah adalah yang terbaik di dalam Islam, jika mereka faqih (paham dalam urusan agama)”. (HR.Bukhari).
“Sesungguhnya, Allah tidak melihat kepda bentuk (fisik) dan harta (kekayaan) kalian, tetapi melihat kepada hati dan amal perbuatan”. (HR.Muslim)
Tetapi, memang hanya sedikit manusia yang dapat bersyukur atas segela nikmat dan karunia yang sudah diberikan oleh Allah Azza Wa Jalla kepada manusia. Manusia banyak yang ingkar dan berbuat dzalim, durhaka, bukan hanya kepada Allah, tetapi juga terhadap mereka sendiri. Manusia banyak yang berlaku ‘isyraf’ (berlebihan) dalam segala hal, khususnya menggunakan pemberian Allah berupa kenikmatan dunia, dan tanpa mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya.
Setiap harta dan kekayaan mereka miliki seharusnya disadari sepenuhnya itu merupakan amanat, dan titipan dari Allah Azza Wa Jalla, dan kelak harus dipertanggungjawabkan dihadapan Rabbnya. Tidak ada setitik hartapun yang dimiliki oleh manusia, yang kelak tidak dipertanggung jawabkan kepada Rabbnya. Harta yang dimiliki dan amanah itu, seharusnya untuk dapat menyempurnakan keimanan dan aqidahnya, melalui cara tidak menjadikan harta dan kekayaan sebagai ‘ilah’ (tuhan) baru.
Tidak mungkin seorang mukmin hidupnya dapat mendua. Tidak mungkin seorang mukmin yang sejatih hidupanya menjadi ambivalen. Menjadi Allah Rabbul Aziz, tetapi sekaligus mencintai makhluk dan benda yang merupakan ciptaan-Nya. Manusia harus dapat membuktikan dalam hidupnya, bila dia seorang mukmin yang mukhlis, yaitu hanyalah mencintai Allah secara total, dan hanya menomorkan duakan, segala sesuatu selainnya.
Bila manusia sudah menyadari dirinya sebagai makhluk ciptaan-Nya, dan hanya menjadikan Allah itu, semata-mata tujuannya, tidak mungkin ada rasa berat untuk membagikan harta kekayaan yang merupakan amanah dari Allah, dan kemudian membagikan kepada fuqara dan masakin, yang sekarang ada di mana-mana, dan itu merupakan wujud syukur atas segala karunia.
Bila sikap hidu seperti itu, tidak mungkin akan ada orang yang rakus terhadap dan harta, dan akan selalu memiliki empati yang dalam terhadap mereka yang fakir dan miskin. Indonesia akan menjadi negeri yang aman dan penuh dengan kedamaian. Tidak ada lagi permusuhan dan fitnah diantara mereka. Wallah’alam.


Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Aku Sayang Al-Qur'an

Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semesta alam, tinggal 1 langkah lagi saya bisa menghafalkan 1 juz ya meskipun hanya satu juz itu butuh istiqomah utuk terus belajar membaca Al-Qur'an. dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa benar barang siapa yang sungguh-sungguh pasti akan mendapatkan yang di inginkan, saya akan terus belajar agar semakain banyak hafalan saya, karena di dalam kesulitan seseorang yang sedang belajar itu Allah memberikan pahalanya kepada hamba yang sedang belajar sungguh-sungguh untuk menghilangkan kebodohan, Al-Qur'an adalah perkataan Allah, firman Allah dan barang siapa mentaati apa yang telah diprintahkan oleh tuhannya niscaya hamba tersebut akan selalu mendapat ma'unah(pertolongan) dari Allah Swt. Ya Allah mudahkanlah hamba dalam menerima ilmu dan mudahkanlah hamba untuk selalu beribadah kepadamu dengan sempurna walaupun diri ini hamba yang banyak dosa.

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Tinggal 3 surat hafal 1 juz.

Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semesta alam, ahir-ahir ini banyak sekali saya melihat acara di tv khususnya TPI menyiarkan tayangan yang sangat mendukung masyarakat indonesia untuk mengikutinya bahkan sebagai pendukung untuk para penghafal al-qur'an lebih banyak menghafalkan al-qur'an, nah di acara ini saya sangat senang sekali melihatnya bahkan saya tidak mau ketinggalan karena ini sudah saya jadikan suatu sumber pendukung untuk asupan ilmu agama dan olahraga rohani itu menurut saya. acara tersebut adalah acara indonesia menghafal, sebelum acara ini di tanyangkan saya menghafal surat-surat pendek itu malez sekali tapi dengan adanya acara itu saya melihat banya anak-anak kecil sudah hafal banyak dari surat-surat yang ada di al-qur'an bahkan sudah banyak yang hafal, subhanallah maha suci Allah yang telah memberikan kecerdasan anak-anak tersebut, nah untuk saya sendiri dengan adanya acara itu alhamdulillah saya mulai menghafalkan lagi diantara surat-surat yang ada di al-qur'an, seperti yang saya tulis di judul atas, saya kurang 3 surat lagi akan hafal 1juz, mohon maaf bukanya pamer(riya') tapi ini adalah ungkapan gembira karena Allah telah memberikan nikmat yang sangat besar kepada saya sehingga saya bisa menghafalkan surat-surat yang ada di al-qur'an, meskipun hanya hafal sedikit itu sudah menjadikan kepuasan untuk diriku dan sebagai semangat untuk tambah banyak untuk menghafalkan surat lagi yang lebih banyak. mari kita menghafalkan al-qur'an walau hanya hafal sedikit itu sudah anugrah dari Allah, kalau tidak mau menghafal bacalah Al-qur'an karena di dalam isi kandungan Al-qur'an terdapat banyak pelajaran hidup untuk pedoman manusia agar selamat dunia dan akhirat. mungkin ini saja dari postingan saya, untuk saya minta doa agar selalu mendapatkan ma'unah dari Allah Swt dan selalu dalam perlindunganNYA. Amieen.

Rabu, 21 April 2010


Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semesta alam, dalam kesempatan ini mungkin agak mengherankan sekali di tempat saya mengaji atau menuntut ilmu agama di adakan menghafal surat-surat pendek yang ada di Al-Qur'an, pokoknya sih di perintahkan untuk menghafalkan juz AMMA, tapi sebenarnya orang untuk naik itu harus butuh kesabaran tapi alhamduliliah dengan niat yang benar dan ikhlas dan di sertai dengan kesabaran membuahkan hasil yang baik, semula saya menghafalkan itu sangat malas sekali tapi dengan adanya menghafal Al-Qur'an di tempat saya menuntut ilmu agama jadi rasanya ingin memperbanyak amal sholeh, dan alhamdulillah saya sekarang sangat senang dengan menghafal kan surat-surat yang terdapat di Al-Qur'an dan itu saya bukan ingin pamer atau sombong tapi ingin mengikuti apa yang telah di ajarkan di dalam agamaku yaitu ADDINNUL ISLAM WAL IMAN, mungkin dengan adanya program menghafal Al-Qur'an ini saya selalu ingin terus mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. saya senang sekali menjadi santri, dan saya ingat pesan dari ustadz saya begini pesanya: Orang kalau banyak memahami agama dan dapat mengamalkanya insya Allah dunia tidak ketinggalan yang maksudnya itu bila seseorang itu alim atau disebut seorang yang faham dalam urusan agama insya Allah dunia itu nempel terus atau bisa di sebut juga dengan kita banyak rezeki yang di berikan oleh Allah. nah itulah yang saya ingat-ingat terus pesan dari ustadz saya. mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi diri saya pribadi dan pada umumnya untuk para pembaca setia blogger kami. wassaalam.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Most Afdhol Alms

In a hadith the Messenger of Allah there is an explanation shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam about the charitable activities of most major afdhol alias.
Not all forms of value afdhol charity. For people who are energetic, young and of course charity has a higher value on the side of God than one who has been bersedekahnya elderly, sick, and was nearly dead.
For that reason the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam give alms to his people about the most afdhol.
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رجل للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
يا رسول الله أي الصدقة أفضل قال أن تصدق وأنت صحيح حريص
تأمل الغنى وتخشى الفقر ولا تمهل حتى إذا بلغت الحلقوم
قلت لفلان كذا ولفلان كذا وقد كان لفلان
"Someone asked the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam:" Messenger of Allah, charity is the most afdhol? "He replied:" You give alms when you were still in good health more greedy, you really want to become rich, and worried the poor. Do you delay until the soul had reached the throat, you've been told: "For the So and so many, and for the So and so many." Yet it has become a right of property of the So and so (the heir). "(HR Bukhary)
Let's see how details of the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam described the characteristics of people most afdhol in charitable. At least we find there are four criteria: (1) In a healthy state again grasping ambition aka worldly profits, (2) in a state desperate to become rich; (3) in a state very afraid of being poor and (4) not in a state already approaching death the world and getting ready to make a variety of wills over who would be forced to abandoned property.
First, one of the most afdhol in charity is the person who was in good health again grasping avarice aka aka worldly ambition is to pursue profits.
That is, he is still young the future of his life is still decorated with various ambitions and plans to become a successful person, perhaps in his career or bisinisnya.
In such circumstances it is usually a person will feel the difficulties and the reluctance of charity for all the potential wealth that he must have wanted him to concentrate and devote to the success of the various planning and capital projects.
On the pretext of investment is still in the stage, so it will always procrastinate and delay the intention bersedekahnya from some property he had. Because every property he has the slightest advantage, he will immediately distribute to the post investment.
Any money he had he immediately planted into his business and he said to himself that if he was charitable in these stages, the charity will be too little, is better postponed when the later was a successful charity that can give alms in the number of "significant" amount to a lot of aliases. Finally, he did not visit ever issued in the alms so long as such investment.
Second, when the state charity is desperate to become rich. Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam as if to illustrate that people are in a state does not want to become wealthy means bersedekahnya less valuable than people in a state ambitions to become rich. Because if someone who is ambitious to be rich in charity means he is not the type who just wants to enjoy the riches for himself.
Since he still aspires to be rich already developed a generous nature and character. This shows that if God really allow himself to be rich, then the wealth he'll always be aware there are rights for the less lucky to be considered.
Well as the charitable habits developed since someone new at an early stage pioneering business, then it indicates that the businessman was well aware that he gained sustenance entirely from the All-Giver fortunes, Allah Ar-Razzaq.
This is very different from rich people from the infidels like Korah, for example. Qarun is rich in ancient figure who achieved success in business think that the wealth he gained the fruits of his expertise in business alone.
He never linked the success of his fortunes with the All-Giver, Allah swt.
قال إنما أوتيته على علم عند
"Korah said:" I am only given a treasure, because the science is there to me. "(Sura Al-Qshshash paragraph 78)
Third, afdhol alms to charity when the donor is in a state of fear poverty. Although he was in a state of fear poverty, but this does not affect him. He still believes that the charity in such circumstances is testament to his resignation to God.
He realized that if God wills, then maybe once he became rich or being poor. That's up to God. What is certain circumstances they experienced did not affect his habits a bit charitable.
He has made the charity as one of the important characters in the overall nature itself. Just like a pious image in the Qur'an:
أعدت للمتقين الذين ينفقون في السراء والضراء
"... provided for those who fear Allah, (that) those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or in adversity. "(Surat Ali 'Imran verses 133-134)
Fourth, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam is cautioned not to get someone new thinking to charity when the end is nearing. Thus described by him that the man was then sent a note taker inventoried who those parties who are entitled to receive his property shall aka diwasiatkan wherewithal.
This is not a form of charity which afdhol. Because in essence, a charity when death was imminent, meaning it did in the circumstances he was forced by circumstances which have no other choice.
When one person in a state charity he is free to choose between issuing charity or not, it means he is more meaningful than someone who is charitable when no other option but to give alms.
That is why the Prophet shollallahu 'wa sallam alaih better appreciate people more healthy young people who give alms than dying old and new thinking to the charitable.
O Allah, write us down among the people who always give alms most afdhol. Accept, O God, all infaq and our alms in Your way. Amen .-

source from: http://eramuslim.com

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

His poignant Muslims in other countries

March will soon be over. Late April. There is a custom of ignorance which we should watch out together as a Muslim; 1 April as April Fool's day. April Fool's Day itself is a day where people are allowed to cheat and lie to others. But do you know if it's actually April Fool's Day?
History of April Fool's Day
In fact, April Fool's Day is a celebration of victory over Spain killed thousands of Muslims by the crusaders who made via fraudulent means. For that reason, they celebrate April Fool's a way to legalize fraud and deceit while wrapped under the guise of entertainment or just a mere fad.
Usually people would say that April Fool's Day-which is only valid on April 1, is the day where we can and legitimate deceive friends, parents, siblings, or others, and the target should not be angry or emotional when he realized that he had April Fool's targets. Usually the target, if it becomes aware of April Fool's got, then he, too, will laugh or curse at least grudgingly, of course not a real upset.
Although not as popular as New Year's celebration or Valentine's Day, April Fool's culture in the last two decades shows a tendency that more and more familiar in our urban communities. Especially among the young. Also it is not impossible, in the future will also be extended to the people who live in rural areas. Ironically, people with this easy to imitate Western culture without mengkritisinya first if the culture is good or not, beneficial or otherwise.
April Fool's celebration begins with a great tragedy that is very sad and heartbreaking? April Fool's Day, or The April's Fool Day, originated from a single episode of the history of Muslim Spain in the year 1487 AD, or coincide with the 892 H.
Since the release of Islam in the 8th century AD by Commander tariq ibn Ziyad, Spain gradually grew into a prosperous country. Islamic forces have not stopped in Spain, but continued to liberation in countries around toward the French. South of France with easy release. City of Carcassonne, Nimes, Bordeaux, Lyon, Poitou, Tours, and so fell. Although very powerful, the Islamic forces are still providing tolerance to the Goths and Navaro in the area west of the mountains that form. Islamic Spain has been illuminating.
Because the attitude of Muslim rulers who was so kind and humble, many Spaniards who then, with genuine and sincere convert to Islam. Muslim Spain was not only Muslims, but actually practicing an Islamic life. Not just reading the Qur'an, but acting principals based on the Qur'an. They always say no to music, beer, free sex, and all things Islamic are prohibited. Peaceful situation like that lasted nearly six centuries.
During that period the unbelievers are still in existence around Spain strives tirelessly to clean Islam from Spain, but always failed. So sending a spy to learn the weakness of Muslim Spain.
Finally they found a way to conquer Islam, namely by first weakening their faith through street attack thought and culture. He began to secretly send them free of alcohol and cigarettes into the territory of Spain. Music is played to persuade the youth to sing and dance rather than reading the Quran. They also sent a number of false clerics to blow-niupkan split into the body of Muslim Spain. Over time this effort to fruition.
Spain fell and could eventually mastered the troops cross. Assault by the forces of the cross actually done by ruthless without knowing humanitarianism. Not only the Islamic forces who massacred, but also civilians, women, small children, old people. One by one region in Spain falls.
Granada was the last of the conquered regions. Muslim populations in Spain (also known as Moors) were forced to seek refuge in the house to save themselves. The soldiers continued to pursue their crosses. When the streets were deserted, leaving thousands of corpses stay lying bathed in a pool of blood, the crusaders learned that many Muslims of Granada are still hiding in the houses. With a loud shout of crusaders was the announcement, that the Muslims of Granada can get out of the house safely and allowed to sail out of Spain to bring the goods they need.
Islamic people are still suspicious of this offer. But some of those allowed to see their own Muslim ships passengers who had already been prepared at the port. Having actually seen a ship that has been provided, they were soon ready to leave Granada and sailed to leave Spain.
The next day, thousands of Muslim population of Granada out of their homes by bringing all things necessary, walk hand in hand toward the harbor. Some Muslims who do not trust the forces of the cross, choosing to survive and continue to hide in their homes. After thousands of Muslims gathered at the port of Spain, the crusader quickly searched the houses that have been abandoned. Looking flames licking the sky when they burned the houses together with Islamic people who still survive in it.
Medium thousands of Muslims who were stuck in port, can only be struck when the burning crusade also said the ships would take them out of the Spanish. The boats were quickly drowned. Thousands of Muslims can not do anything about it because it was not armed. They are also mostly comprised of women with children are still small. Who's the crusaders had surrounded them with drawn swords.
With a shout from the leader, immediately crusaders slaughtered thousands of Muslim Spain without pity. Takbir blaring screams and cries. The entire Muslim Spain in the harbor was discharged killed with cruelty. Pooled blood everywhere. Blue sea has turned into a dusky red.
This tragedy coincided with April 1. This then celebrated by the Christian world every April 1 as April Fool's Day (The April's Fool Day). On 1 April, people are allowed to cheat and lie to others. For Christians, April Fool's Day is a day of victory over Spain killed thousands of Muslims by the crusaders through fraudulent methods. For that reason, they celebrate April Fool's a way to legalize fraud and deceit even though wrapped in the pretext of mere entertainment or a mere fad.
For Muslims, April Fool's Day is certainly a very sad tragedy. Day where thousands of his brothers a faith slaughtered and massacred by the crusaders in Granada, Spain. Therefore, it is highly inappropriate that there is also a Muslim man chimed in celebrating this tradition. Those Muslims who celebrate April Fool's Day, so he actually celebrating the birthday massacre thousands of his brothers in Granada, Spain, 5th century ago.
So, look around you, your children, or yourself, may be exposed to cruel April Fool's wrap we unknowingly.


source from: http://eramuslim.com

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

selling business

now I am very happy because my brother gave me by giving me a small sales business to scale and thank God it went smoothly so I am very grateful that the business can work to make money from the capital itself with my brother to sell this may easily be made I am getting my boost activity to be more diligent study.

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Make yourself always smiling

In the human daily life is inseparable from the problem that both at work and in life, Islam has taught to always smile even more problems or patience in dealing with a problem. smile is something that a reward of GOD ALMIGHTY for the smile is a prayer that the call to charity and that charity was a lot of reward for it in us let us content with a happy smile that our beloved person or community and looked at us, so that people's opinions are always good for ourselves and always do good against us, because people who smile a lot will get something good let alone someone had died with a smile insha allah circumstances it was that it would go to heaven god. to look at people we should always give something good to always respect our people because good people would be getting good, to let us smile so much within us is always embedded good behavior and something that people enjoy. hopefully a bit easier this discourse can provide inspiration for us all to always be someone who is always doing good and will get good. may be useful.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

remind yourself to death

In human life the most in fear is a death and it is common and has become an event that is in fear of death but is saved in the path to true life, death is anything that we decide on the life of the world and it is way to go to his place the truth is that life is eternal and immortal. indeed death is something that a lot of fear because people are going to die or they die assume a lot of sins, and not ready to die when it is a way to get to his actual life, and, therefore, let us remember the dead because many died is something very painful for those who many sins, but for many people who do good it will make him want to die quickly and his face to the god. I think in the study of religion Islam is one of his many sins to die a very painful it was because they were considered by the angel as a servant who never obey his commands and the god I know too that many ornag for doing good or that many people worship it be easy in the process of his death and it does not make him sick for themselves. therefore, let us remember the dead and many have a lot to do good and served well and really because everything is in view of god is good then good will arise within us and will always make ourselves as servants who were always in fear of fear with death because it was ready and felt sincere when god wanted to take him, we belong to god and god punyak to take our rights and the kit should be able to accept it. with me as the writer of this, let us always do good so that it will be easier when Sakaratul Maut (TAKE IN THE SPIRIT OF TIME Angel of Death), and so we do not feel pain in our death. its less and more that many mohom sorry. may be useful.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Want to be a good person

want to be a good person to have a staff that is all that helps someone to do something for a job that is considered not able to work alone in their own staff consists of the following abbreviations:
S: Siddiq (right)
Q: Tabligh (submit)
A: Amanah (so you can trust)
F: Fatonah (intelligent)

so in all the staff there must be meaning to do with holding the principle that staff can deliver and deliver right to the trust and has the intelligence that is needed is for everyone and if someone that already has all that it would be a people who are in respect of it in daily life, that's the knowledge I gained from studying religion in Islam so there was a word meaning and a specific meaning, and very few people know it's easy and I hope there are benefits to it. thanks.

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

He favors a lot of patience and prayer

The first is that I am grateful to Almighty god who hears my prayer continues prayed for my desire was accomplished and achieved too late, it is a very historic event in my life, especially in its current Thursday of the year on 05 March 2010 is something very beautiful that the gods provided by the struggles that I go for 3 years of wanting to have a motorcycle, and thank God it tonight at exactly 20:30 my dream was to have been reached that has motorcycle bike despite its very inexpensive price but I'm very grateful because it could have it his own and purchased by me at my father and his lack of money added to my grandmother, I always prayed that the grant what has become my request and it has I have now and I am very happy and it really feels good to be patient in daily life, often times I feel jealous of friends who have used my bike while still using the bikes often are jealous and feel like how so, but I am very grateful that even though no mini bike is still a god gift to d should be thankful and enjoy and I am now better and I am very happy because the grant was what I had dreamed about, with this I really felt it favors the patient and the result is pleasure unexpected and it's coming from a god who in his servants give to a patient and submit to him, that's what I kerjaka all in my worship of Almighty god, therefore patience is the key to success in achieving something in the wants, of This is my history not be forgotten and this is the first time I wrote in my blogspot so I did not forget and I continue to remember the favor of the gods gave me this, I hope with this easy to me closer to god Almighty and harder to carry out his orders and away from his ban, it could be made for reflection on what a patient's need in daily life. thanks.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Her beautiful faith

In the human life can not be separated from religion and religion is advice to be more closer to what we create this in our religion to have faith demands a thick and must be able to keep themselves from sin, for we can always remember with god Almighty we must have faith that thick and must be filled with lots of worship continue to diligently and must be a servant who could in view of god as a creation god of his command and was able to avoid the ban, my own as a weak creature did not escape from sin and my want to improve themselves well and can be good in view of Almighty god, for my faith is extremely pleasure must be thankful for and should be on guard it well because it is the grace of god who has chosen us to be true Muslims and can enforce the good behavior and correct, and shows good deeds and avoiding everything forbidden by God in us, so from that faith is a very nice favor and we should be thankful for and we can keep it well because our religion is great in suati in life because religion is all something very important in daily life and we are also able to learn well and correctly in the life of this nation in the world. it was beautiful favors that have been given by God then we must keep well and correctly. easy to hopefully what I have to say can be useful and could be a lesson for all of us it. thank you for his attention.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Started and finished in worship

In everyday life we are always doing activities and in activities must have a prefix and suffix so in doing something to someone in initiate and to initiate an activity that is the prayer of invitation to read Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and after doing the job must read ALHAMDULILLAHIROBBIL ' alamin that is in teaching in my daily life and it is Sunnah apostles and those who follow the Sunnah apostles will get his intercession when we're in the netherworld, in all matters when the prayers start with it would be more confident because in addition we've tried to learn as well be in prayer as well, and accompanied it was also part of our worship of Almighty god, therefore all Muslims to let us invite all Muslims to read a lot BISMILAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM in an activity started and ended with a reading activity ALHAMDULILLAHIROBBIL'ALAMIN, thereby making ability for the people of Islam and it will make things much easier it becomes and we are sure will always be close to Allah and do not forget that the gods of our omniscient and viewed by the gods if we include those who lucky or someone lost it all depends on the charity of our worship, easy hope what I give could be useful for my own particular and in general it was for my loyal reader blogger, for her less than I apologize for that big of him. good read.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

daily life in the house

In the house were many lessons to be taken and adhered to and hrus in that it is legal for a child must abide by regulations made by the head of the family of our parents and it is the rules that created so that the house was occupied like heaven in the world can enjoy the family. therefore better life in the house must be in order to always be adhered to something that can be applied in the society, it is a service that should always be done at home and in community life. from this we can take all the wisdom of how a child who had to follow a father and his mother, and must abide by all the things in the order was considered as do worship in a child to his parents, for myself I did not join the my parents but I also keep what has become the order that was violated by not going to do my religion and my nay will stick to what has been commanded by a person older than me therefore I speak but I also have to work on their own It is a commandment taught in my religion and I also learned how a child must be obedient to her parents, is that I can easily convey the benefits and hope to have it and about it I apologize that big of him.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

2 pantunn islam

why write on glass
better to write on the table
why would cry for love
better to weep for sin

many people give advice
and can not run the Shari'a
many people do pray
but also run disobedience

Recognition of his servant to the god

O gods of this weak servant
O thou my gods strong
whether I deserve it applies arrogant
on earth that you created

my gods, O servant of many sins
oh my gods if I deserve
a servant that you enter into heaven
while I was not strong in hell that you created
for those who many sins

enough for me, O thou my gods are number one
all requests only to you alone and willing to run your command
all this I do just want to be a servant who is always good and right.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Paradise Key

In the Islamic religion had a key to heaven and it is believed to Almighty god and god away from his ban, it is not able to achieve quickly in that struggle requires a very long time and have a sincere and able to do good and avoid the many prohibitions that the view that god made a god is not pleased with our deeds, let us do much more good because it will bring us good rewarded and evil many would lead us into the action which is not in the liking of Almighty god.
in the religion of Islam is that his name and the keys of heaven heaven's key is that his sentence is the sentence that shows how much we are creatures of the most vulnerable god god is strong and we as humans are weak and a lot of sin, and from the earlier I have not mentioned is what is key to heaven, heaven is the key phrase "LAILAHAILLALLAH" It is a very basic sentence once the Islamic religion because it is the key to paradise for Muslims, I never asked my religion teacher if Muslims have a key to his heaven means that if someone who no religion Islam does not get to heaven: and my teacher said is true so my religion teacher explained that people who are not religious Islam can not go to heaven because heaven key phrase itself is a show of unity of the faith of a servant to his god , that is what I learned during Islamic religious study, and I am very grateful Islam has become, and I tried to be a good servant, and can do good in this world by running away from Allah and what is forbidden by allah swt , easy to hopefully what I write here can be a lesson for me and him in general can take the benefits for my blogger readers, it is less and the more I apologize for that big of him. we may be a good in view of our god.

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

17-08-1945 within the meaning of the Islamic religion in Indonesia

In the Islamic religion on the 17th of August in 1945 was a very close history with the teachings of Islam that is the number stored in the Islamic religious person and in the year 1945 was the year when the state began an independent Indonesia, I as a citizen of Indonesia is very grateful for Indonesia in the country saved a lot of very good science and its majority population of Islamic religion. and the meaning of 17-08-1945 is anything related to the activities that should be done by Muslims, here I will describe all of what 08 and 17 what what in 1945. His explanation follows me explain briefly:
17: The number 17 is all that matters in the work by Muslims during the day and night of prayers five times, ie Shubuh, dhuhur, ashar, maghrib, and the evening. and the sum of all of the work rokaat is 17. that's the meaning of the number 17 is a servant of worship day and night.
08: number 08 is a prayer that the reading at one time servant's prayer and prayer prayed at the time of sitting between two prostrations namely: Robbilfirli, warhamni, wajburni, warfa'ni, warzukni, wahdini, wa 'afini, wa'fuanni. if we are reading is the amount that is eight words that said so many benefits, and reading it is a mercy petition to the god of his people because a lot of sin.
1945 as follows:
1: number one is the most important role in Indonesia because the country why, it's because Islam religion worship only one god is god Almighty. and I mean if god is not necessarily a god and that god must have a god, that's my opinion.
9: number nine is taken from the fighters who spread the religion of Islam in Indonesia that many call the "Wali Songo" because the struggle of the propagator of religion Islam is a very smart in the Islamic religion and that all other not with the struggle of the Wali Songo.
4: number four is taken from legal sources in Indonesia are its December special religious law, and this is the Madhab of four who have knowledge of the sample by a citizen of Indonesia is, Madhab of Imam Shafi'i, Maliki Madhab Imam, Imam Madhab Hambali, and Madhab Imam Hambali, he is having all the legal resources in taught by the Prophet.
5: number five pillars of Islam is that its number is five and the pillars of Islam must be conduct that Islam among them as follows:
1. Creed
2. Prayer
3. Zakat
4. Fasting
5. able to perform the pilgrimage if his.
and it all is the meaning of 17-08-1945 that I tell to you all and this is December of science I studied Islamic religion in schools or in places of religious teachers. easy to use and hopefully become more or less it I apologize. thanks and congratulations to read her next lesson.

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Messenger friends

In the Islamic religion is the prophet friend once who was instrumental in the Islamic religion, they are the successors to continue the prophet muhammad prophet muhammad legal law because the prophet Mohammed have said "come sunnahku and Sunnah khulafaurosyidin" therefore let us follow what is taught by our prophet muhammad is the prophet who will help us when we ask for help. and then between friends is a very important role is as follows:
1. Ali ibn Abi Tholib
2. Abu Bakr As Syiddiq
3. Umar ibn Khottob
4. Uthman ibn Affan
among them all is very helpful tenam prophet muhammad to uphold the Islamic religion in the world, therefore let us all to obey the prophet muhammad and his companions in order to uphold Islamic religion to survive in the world and the Hereafter. for god lawsuits have been explained if we are obedient to Allah SWT with obedience to the prophet muhammad as well as for her, therefore let us much closer to Allah and the sunnah prophet muhammad run properly and correctly so we will be people who in view of taqwa allah swt. with what we submit this is not another religious knowledge I gained through Islamic religious instruction in Indonesia. and this is the result of my religious study Islam well and istoqomah. hopefully its many benefits both for me and its general blogger for my loyal readers. thanks.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Why god created the earth and everything in

Last night I studied religion in TPQ AL-IKHLAS is my place to study religion, there let me know that the gods created the earth and everything in it was not another goal was to make a life-caliph caliph in this world and the gods created the earth also for his servants and his servant who was in his care of the prophet muhammad saw. in my study of religion told me that god created all this for human life and a lover of his jeans.

in the Islamic religious leader of a slave people in this world is his prophet muhammad was a prophet and a messenger god who was loved by the gods in even a very high degree in the presence of Almighty god, he is the leader of the previous prophets and prophets among the other prophets most in love is a prophet because the prophet muhammad muhammad is his very same person with the AL-QUR'AN, therefore god is love and affection with this servant of the prophet muhammad. I am in the demand also in the Islamic religion told that the prophet muhammad was the first person to heaven and that terahir go to heaven. for the first input prophet muhammad god to heaven is no different and no not to intercede for his people, and his terahir time prophet muhammad in enter heaven is to bring relief to the people of his many sins, for tomorrow in the afterlife would ask the prophet muhammad his mercy to the people of many sins and many did evil in this world. it was the privilege of the prophet muhammad that god created this world and everything in for the prophet muhammad saw. therefore better for my loyal blogger readers let us increase our taqwa and faith to the gods and obey the messenger god who was tied with us because they will give us the intercession on the day of reckoning, let many Sholawat to the prophet muhammad and the many acts of kindness to we become slaves who are in gods and loved by Allah's Apostle. what I have to say this is my results to study Islamic religion, and science is the provision to me because it will be useful for children in tomorrow and my descendants to bring religion into the religion of Islam for a very well accepted in the society of his particular Indonesia. what I write here it will hopefully be easy to take his lesson that we are weak creatures and gods that gods are strong, therefore we should not be arrogant and should be able to have a good attitude. thanks.